Monday, 12 March 2012


hi its lola its vacation today souds exiting I am going to swacop with eva we are going to go on the dune to the sea and shoping we are really feeling like sis bffutwefs its mean best friend forever until the world end for sure hard to thort what it mean love it and i showit we eaven like everithing same even yogurt I will rest so much and i am going to do a list for my 10th birthday YEY ME (AND YOU)AND HOLIDAY <3 eva and me did like a slepover nearly everi day


  1. I <3 yOu!!!!
    So So MuCh (LiKe A sIsTeR) ^°^
    lIkE tHe NeW sMiLeY fAcE tHaT i MaDe???????



  2. Awesome. I love it that you have a beautiful life...

  3. Awesome. I love it that you have a beautiful life...
